For the Parents
Below you will find information on our Arrival Procedures, School Year Calendar, Snack Signups and much more.

Safety First
As always the safety of our students and families is a priority at MSS. Excessive speed in the parking lot will not be tolerated. Staff or Board of Directors will issue warnings and removal from the school will be considered if necessary.

Important Dates and Upcoming Events
Monday, February 10 - Show Me Day (rescheduled from 1/27) Please sign up here
February 17-21 No School for Winter Break Recess
February 10-14 Kindness/Friendship Week
The children will be exchanging Friendship cards (Valentines) in class during Friendship week. If your child would like to participate in exchanging Friendship cards please see the guidelines below.
Completed cards should be sent to school on your child’s first day of school beginning the week of 2/10 and will be sent home on your child’s LAST day of school for the week.
All Primary students will need 22 Cards
Toddler students will need 11 Cards
Please do not address cards to individual children.
Write only your child’s name.
If your child cannot write their name, a fingerprint is a fun way for them to sign. You can also use a highlighter to write their name and allow them to trace it. Start early if you can so they are not overwhelmed. Do only a couple a day if needed. If the process becomes a battle, it is OK to allow your child to just do what he/she can. This should be a fun experience.
Due to allergies NO FOOD please.
1 small trinket or toy is fine, but please avoid sending in goodie bags which can be overwhelming and cumbersome when delivering to friends and will not fit in the Friendship bags.
We also invite them to wear something RED WHITE or PINK during the week. If your child's teacher has any classroom specific activities planned you will get a separate email from them.

Birthday Walks
We LOVE to celebrate your child’s birthday and invite you in for the celebration as well. Your child’s teacher will set up a time specific time for you to attend. (Each class is a bit different on times so please see your child’s teacher for more details) We ask that you bring a snack to share with the class. You should also bring along a timeline of pictures of your child. This can be as elaborate or simple as you like. In the past we have had posters, computer slide shows, actual timelines etc. Please include a picture for each year of your child’s life and any important events, for example, becoming a big brother or a trip to Disney. We will ask you to tell us a bit about your child at each year of the their life and they will walk around the “Sun” with the “Earth” representing each year they have been alive. This is a special event in the classrooms and the children look forward to their walks each year. If your child has a summer birthday or an early fall birthday, we can arrange for a birthday walk on their half birthday.

Holidays & Absence
Our school calendar is attached here. We follow BH-BL for vacations and school holidays. We have other school specific holidays and special events throughout the year.
If your child is sick or will be out school, please complete our school attendance form. It can also be found on our homepage.

Snack and Laundry Sign Ups
We ask for parents to supply snack and help with laundry a few times a year. Below are snack sign up for each class and laundry sign up for the school. You will receive a list of needed items from your child's teacher the week before. Please purchase items as directed as we have many school allergies and only certain foods are allowed to be consumed in class.
Snow Day Policy
We use BH-BL as a guide to determining how we will handle inclement weather. We reserve the right to make decisions regarding canceling or delaying school that differ from the school district. Determinations will be made as early as possible and the following criteria is used in determining snow days:
If BH-BL has a 2 Hour Delay, we will operate on a delayed schedule as follows:
AM Half Day Program And Toddler : Classes will be canceled
Full Day Program: School will open at 10 am
PM Half Day will operate as usual
If you choose to remain at home due to the weather, please notify the school.
If BH-BL Closes, we will also be closed for the day.
In case of inclement weather during normal school hours, we may close early. Parents will be notified in a timely manner. ​
*Snow day notifications will be sent
via Procare, Email and posted to our Social Media*
**Snow day closures and absences will not be made up**

Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Arrival Procedures
When you arrive at school please pull into the parking lot and loop around to pull up to the front door and wait for a teacher. Please remain in your vehicle. A teacher will greet your child in your car and walk them into the school. If you should arrive late to school, please park and walk your child to the back door of the building.
Dismissal Procedures
Dismissal will be at 11:30 AM for Toddlers and 11:45 AM and 3:15 PM for Primary students at the front door. Dismissal procedures will be the same as arrival. When you arrive at the school, please park your car along the side of the building. Your child will be walked to your car by a teacher. Please stay in your vehicle until your child is brought to you. Please buckle your child into their seat and exit the parking lot to avoid traffic backups.