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Our Programs Options

We offer Toddler, Primary, Kindergarten, with Before and After Care available for working families.



(18-36 months)

Typical day of a Toddler student

  • 8:30 Arrival

  • Morning routines including changing shoes, washing hands etc.

  • Circle time

  • Work time

  • Toileting

  • Snack

  • Outdoor/Gross motor play

  • Dismissal 11:30

Our toddler program is prepared directly for children ages 18-36 months old. Materials and activities are carefully chosen for the children in that particular room’s interests and developmental readiness.  


Our Toddler room maintains a 1:5 ratio and has 2 teachers assigned to it.  Our teachers are highly skilled with several years of experience working with children and families.  We aim to meet the needs of each of our students in a nurturing way emphasizing kindness and respect. Students are introduced to a variety of activities focusing on building language and communications skills.  Toilet encouragement is encouraged and practiced daily.


Primary Program

(3-6 years old)

Half Day or Full Day Option

The typical day of a ½ day student: 

  • 8:45 AM Arrival (12:15 PM for afternoon students)

  • Circle time 

  • Work time

  • Outdoor/Gross Motor

  • 11:45 Dismissal (3:15 PM for afternoon students)

Typical day of a full day student:

  • 8:45 AM Arrival

  • Circle Time

  • Work Time

  • Outdoor/Gross Motor 

  • 11:45 Lunch

  • 12:15 PM session begins

  • Circle time 

  • Work time or nap (where needed)

  • Outdoor/Gross Motor

  • 3:15 Dismissal

Our Primary program is prepared directly for children ages 3-6 years old. Materials and activities are carefully chosen for the children in that particular room’s interests and developmental readiness.  


Each Primary classroom maintains a 1:7 ratio and has 2 teachers assigned to it.  Our teachers are highly skilled with several years of experience working with children and families.  We aim to meet the needs of each of our students in a nurturing way emphasizing kindness and respect. The expectations of the student is based on their individual abilities.Teachers utilize the interests of the students and emerging Sensitive Periods to gain the optimal outcome while teaching. 



Half Day or Full Day Option

Our Kindergarten students will attend PM sessions or spend their afternoons with their same age peers while utilizing the Montessori materials further developing confidence, self esteem , concentration, self discipline and leadership skills. 


  • Leadership year:   There are many opportunities to practice leadership skills.  The school environment lends itself to a child becoming a natural role model and leader

  • Increase in self esteem

  • Gains mastery of many concepts and skills

  • Strong foundation for lifelong critical thinking and problem solving is set

  • Integrates knowledge gained and are able to use it functionally across settings

  • Gain empathy and understanding for others. 


Before and After Care

Before and After Care options are available for our working families.  Between 8-8:45am and 3:15-4:00pm, care is available at no extra cost.  Between 7:15-8:00am and 4:00-5:00pm, there is an additional charge.

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